Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy

Artist: Jamiroquai
Track: Love Foolosophy
Album: A Funk Odyssey
Year: 2001

Hey everyone! Apparently I underestimated how busy I would be with family over the holidays and I've been unable to post in a while. This is the first time I've had some slow time for myself, so here we go again! Let's hope that I can keep up with this a little better now that the Christmas festivities are over. Now, on to the music!

Jamiroquai has been around for a while; since 1992, to be exact. Sadly, this is one of the only two songs I know from them. I really should fix that, shouldn't I? I absolutely love the funky energy of this track! The infectious groove throughout the song is hard to get out of your head and is so easy to dance to. Give it a go and just try to tell me you aren't dancing as you listen.

Click for lyrics, music video, & lyrics!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ghostland Observatory - Sad, Sad City

Artist: Ghostland Observatory
Track: Sad, Sad City
Album: Paparazzi Lightning
Year: 2006

This is one of those songs where the beat just draws you in from the very beginning. That steady, funky beat grooves through the whole song, joined by buzzy electronics and hyped vocals. It's a pretty short song, but it uses those 3 minutes well to get me energized. And that's all I got, folks. I just like the song.

Click for lyrics & links!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Books - Cello Song

Artist: The Books ft. José González
Track: Cell Song
Album: Dark Was The Night
Year: 2009

I've loved this song ever since I first heard it in the move, The Blind Side. This is actually a cover of a song by Nick Drake and I didn't know that until I was looking up information on it just now. 

It's such a mellow, calming song and José González's voice perfectly fits the feel of the song. I've always been a fan of his music and was more than a little excited when I saw that he was the featured vocals. (Actually, one of his songs is on my list of music to feature at some point in the future, so keep an eye out for it!) The intro of the song is wonderful! It sounds like wind and raindrops to me, which are the ultimate calming sounds for me, personally. Then José's soft vocals come in with the violin and it's just beautiful! Ah!

Click for lyrics and links!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MIKA - We Are Golden

Artist: MIKA
Track: We Are Golden
Album: The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Year: 2009

Wow...I haven't posted in a terribly long time! I apologize to the people who actually follow this blog. I've been busy back at home and finally had a slow moment for me to realize how much I've neglected Giraffegy. So, sorry guys!

To make up for it, I shall give you some wonderfully poppy MIKA! It's hard to be in a bad mood while listening to his music, especially this one. "We Are Golden" has catchy, inspirational lyrics and a fun, upbeat melody. The music video is equally fun to watch. 

If the original track does not appeal to you, there are a lot of people who enjoy the many remixes more. Try one of those if it just doesn't tickle your fancy.

Click for lyrics, music video, & links!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Graffiti6 - Stare Into The Sun

Artist: Graffiti6
Track: Stare Into The Sun
Album: Stare Into The Sun
Year: 2009

This track has got a kind of psychedelic groove to it; like I should see a whole lot of swirly peace signs and bright colors and hippies. Maybe that's just me. I think I got this song from a television ad a few years back but I can't remember which one. It had been used in a few, if I remember correctly. 

I loved the groove of the song and the muted sound to the lead's vocals. I found myself humming the chorus melody all the time. Also, the random chimes throughout the song are a fun touch.

Click for lyrics, music video, & links!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Flight Facilities - Crave You

Artist: Flight Facilities ft. Giselle
Track: Crave You
Album: Crave You - Single
Year: 2010

To anyone who actually follows this blog, sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've been busy wrapping up an internship and moving to a different city. I'm finally back in my old apartment and will hopefully get back on track with updating here. Thanks!

Anyways, this song is so very chill. I like the simple piano and vocals at the beginning, but I love when the beat comes in about 45 seconds in with snaps and claps. The vocals are soft and sweet, especially in the "na na na" part. 

Also, I found this song through the music video on YouTube. One of the comments said it looked and sounded like Urban Outfitters - the movie...and now I have that image in my head every time I hear it. 

Click for lyrics, music video & links!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sia - Breathe Me

Artist: Sia
Track: Breathe Me
Album: Colour The Small One
Year: 2004

This is and probably always will be my favorite song by Sia. It was also the first one I ever knew by her. I love Sia's voice. There's just something so raw and effortless and beautiful about it. I feel like this song perfectly captures all of that. 

The instrumentals are simple with a beautiful piano line that is later joined by drums and violins and slowly builds up the emotion of the song. The piano alone can make me teary. To me, Sia's voice is the main focus of the song, which I absolutely love. Then the instrumentals have their own dramatic solo at the end. I just love everything about this song! 
Also, this may be a weird thing to like, but I rather like the big sigh she takes at the very beginning of the song before she begins to sing. 

Click for lyrics, music video & links!